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Using Freighter in the browser

We now have an extension installed on our machine and a library to interact with it. This library will provide you methods to send and receive data from a user's extension in your website or application.


First import the library in the <head> tag of your page.

  • Install the packaged library via script tag using cdnjs, swapping in the desired version number for {version}

NOTE: You must use version 1.1.2 or above

<script src="{version}/index.min.js"></script>

This will expose a global variable called window.freighterApi that will contain our library.

The call signatures will be exactly the same as the node version, but you will call the methods directly from window.freighterApi:

For example:

if (await window.freighterApi.isConnected()) {
alert("User has Freighter!");